
Would you like to try a new Heated Tobacco Product?

Sign-up to participate in a clinical trial and switch to the Glo Heated Tobacco Product for 28 days.

We're looking for volunteers who...
• Are adults 21 years and older
• Primarily smoke cigarettes
• Are willing to switch to a heated tobacco product for 28 days
• Currently smoke 5 or more cigarettes per day
• Are able to pass a urine drug test (cannot use THC)
• Have no current serious medical conditions (COPD, heart attacks, etc.)
• No history of HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C

Sign-up to participate

Participant information is maintained in a volunteer database system and retained for future studies as they become available.

Participant Short Web To Lead

By clicking submit you agree to the Rose Research Center Terms and Conditions and that we may contact you via text, email, and/or phone unless you later withdraw your consent. Message and data rates may apply.

What is the Glo Topography study?

The purpose of Glo Topography (Glo Topo) is to document how you use the glo which is a heated tobacco product that’s not yet commercially available in the United States. Please keep in mind, a heated tobacco product is not an e-cigarette. The glo is a hand-held electronic heating device with a chamber where you insert a small cigarette-like rod called a neo stick. Neo sticks provided during the study are either menthol or tobacco flavored based on the type of cigarettes you smoke.

A maximum of 100 adult male and female cigarette smokers, aged 21 and over, will be enrolled from Raleigh and Charlotte, North Carolina, and surrounding areas.

Compensation for participation is up to $1,000.


What is the purpose of this study?
The purpose of this research study is to document how you use the glo, a heated tobacco product that is currently not available for commercial sale in the United States.

The purposes of this research study are to:
1. Assess the puffing topography of the four heated tobacco study products (HTP) across two heating modes, Standard and Boost modes.
2. Determine the average number of puffs taken per day and the average number of times per day the HTP device is activated
3. Assess how often Standard and Boost modes are used
4. Evaluate subjective responses to questions that are asked about using the study product
5. Determine the overall study product liking and intent to use the study products
What are the risks to participating in a Clinical Trial?
Side effects will differ from study to study, you will be informed of any expected side effects when you come in for your first visit as well as in the consent form.
How long with the Clinical Trials last?
Your participation in this study will last about 28 days and include 3 study visits which include a screening visit and two laboratory visits.
Will I receive compensation for my participation?
Yes. If you come to all your visits and complete all your questionnaires you will earn as much as $1000.
Do I need to ask my regular doctor before I can participate in a research study?
No. However, you should tell your doctor that you are thinking of participating in this research study. Your doctor may wish to contact the study doctor (with your permission) to request additional information.
What is informed consent?
The informed consent process provides you with the information required to ensure you make an informed decision about participation in the clinical research study. This process will:

  • Help you to understand the information
  • Give you an opportunity to ask questions and to consider whether to participate
  • Obtain your voluntary agreement to participate
  • Continue to provide information as the clinical research study progresses

Before participating, we will take you through a written Informed Consent Form (ICF) that outlines the important information to consider before joining the study. The study doctor will go through this document with you and answer any questions you may have. This document provides details of the study, such as study expectations, duration, and what you will need to do. All known possible risks and potential benefits are also explained in the ICF.

After you have read and discussed all of the information about the study, you can decide whether or not to sign the consent form. This consent form is not a contract and you are always free to leave the study at any time and for any reason, with no penalty to you. Additionally, during your participation, the study doctor will let you know in a timely manner of any information that may change your mind about participating.
Why should I participate?
Participants are compensated for their time and receive study-related products at no cost. Additionally, you may be among the first to try a product before it is approved in the US.
Who is sponsoring this study?
The Study Sponsor is RAI Services Company.

Interested in Participating? Sign-up today!

Fill out our form below for more information. Participant information is maintained in a volunteer database system and retained for future studies as they become available. Pertinent information is confidentially kept on file to aid in selecting highly qualified candidates for research studies.
Participant Short Web To Lead - Bottom of Page

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7240 ACC Boulevard
Raleigh, NC 27617

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8401 Medical Plaza Dr #275
Charlotte, NC 28262